Saturday, June 1, 2013

Izzy 6 Months!

Life has been so busy and I have tried so many times to post but between teaching full time and having 2 kids and 2 dogs, my time has been occupied almost 99% of my day.
Izzy has grown up so much over the past month. She is quickly approaching 7 months and now has 2 bottom teeth, a top tooth coming in, and starting to experiment with crawling. She is pretty helpless on her belly but when she's sitting she teeters forward and scoots to reach a toy. 
She is eating baby food full time and her ultimate favorites are sweet potatoes and apple blueberry. She is still exclusively breastfeeding (yay me!) but unfortunately, she is starting back to wanting to eat every 4 hours so she is not sleeping through the night. I actually don't mind getting up with her to cuddle and the entire process lasts only about 12 minutes.
Izzy is the queen of DROOL! I have never seen a kid drool like this one. She requires a bib at all times and can soak a shirt or any object near her in seconds. She's ticklish, has the cutest laugh, and so happy and full of energy. She is really getting a little personality. Here are a few pictures taken over the the past 7 weeks.  
6 month stats: 16 lbs 24.5 inches....average in weight, shorty in height~ which is weird for our family!

posing in the mirror

chilling in the backseat at Lazy Five Ranch

very indecisive about bath time...either hates or loves it

hanging with brother and friends Dexter and Winter

screaming contest with Dexter

a few hot nights when our shitty landlord didn't pay to have it fixed

cranial tech evaluation~ we decided to not go through with it

sunny beautiful day with family

mommy/baby skinny jeans

playing at the dealership

no longer sleeping like a newborn

evil villain face

busy girl

6 month shoot

first month she's able to take it off and eat it

girl buddies

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