Friday, October 11, 2013

I'm Back!!!

I have been thinking about my blog for months and I feel guilty and overwhelmed because a lot has happened and I haven't been documenting it. I decided that instead of trying to catch up and post about all the stuff that has happened over the past 3 months I am going to jump right in to where we are now. Life is crazy but I am going to try my hardest to blog at least every 2 weeks.

So, here is where we are's a wonderfully busy and crazy place, but I have never been happier.

Over the past 3 months we have bought a house and both kids have grown like crazy!

Izzy is now 11 months and is on the verge of talking, walking, and is becoming a real person...ha. She is a total maniac and has a temper that can tear a wall down with one scream. She has this cute raspy voice and thinks London is the funniest human alive. She is about 20lbs but still seems like such a peanut compared to GIANT baby London. She is a HUGE eater and loves fruit, tofu, mac n cheese, tofurky slices, applesauce, crackers, etc. The girl can eat! Her chubby thighs and cheeks are the cutest! I am still going strong with breastfeeding and SUPER proud of that. It is not easy to do while working full time.

London is now officially 3 years old! Crazy! He is back in preschool and doing fantastic. He has managed to become potty trained in about 3 weeks. He now can stay dry most of the day and pees standing up. He had his fourth surgery over the summer and everything is healed and ready to go...haha. He is so articulate, funny, and can be a total smartass when provoked. There are so many hilarious things that come out of his mouth I can only imagine what he'll say as a teenager. He is back to sleeping in his bed after almost 2 years of sleeping with us. He still runs in now and then in the middle of the night but decided now that he is 3 it's time to be a big boy.

Kary is super busy at work and has been getting quite a few tattoos. I am loving my job and having a really fun school year. I will be sure to post later about the house buying process (although brief) and London's 3rd birthday. For now I am going to go and squeeze my tiny people.

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