Tuesday, February 23, 2010

baby bump already?! or perhaps...just gas

So I am in the middle of my 8th week. The nausea has subsided a lot but still there. I don't dry heave anymore...instead I'm hungry but nothing really sounds appetizing. The only foods I really crave are subway veggie subs, ikea frozen yogurt and FRUIT! all I want to do is eat green grapes and oranges. Kary informed me last night that it appears my belly is no longer flat. A girl at work also said something to me today. REALLY?! only 8 weeks and people can tell?! but, I am pretty thin and my stomach was flat before so I guess something has to bloat a little to prepare for the little bobblehead. This week the "embryo" is now officially called a "fetus". Kary and I call it all kinds of weird names depending on what our tracker tells us about the size and development. Right now it probably looks like a sea monkey. We are so excited to hear the heartbeat in about 3 weeks!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, you've got a little bump! Pretty soon you'll need hair ties to fasten your pants :)
