Sunday, August 15, 2010

Random Update..

This toy rules!

I have started week 33. I am now experiencing braxton hicks contractions, I am not a fan. My back hurts, I have constant indigestion, the weather is too hot and humid, my heart has not been cooperating and I can't breath. Now that I have that out of the are some cuter updates.

We think we found the outfit we want to bring her home from the hospital has monkeys and we love it. It comes with a bodysuit, bib, and hat. We'll have to put warm socks on her.

We also found an adorable owl outfit. "Hoo Loves You?" I love it!

Kary's brother picked up a pink glow in the dark skeleton pajama set. We can't wait until she's big enough to wear it!

I used to always look at the "mommy-to-be" parking signs and get sad when we were trying for a baby. Today I really realized why they are there. No longer do we park there so I can look cute coming out of the car all preggers. We park there now because it is 95 degrees and I can barely haul my big ass out of the car, let alone walk across an entire parking lot. Plus I always have to head straight to the bathroom with EVERY store we go in! October 4th cannot come soon enough!

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