Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dear London.....

I am writing this post about 30 minutes before I actually started to go into labor 1 year ago.....

Dear London,
It is incredibly hard for me to put into words what I want to tell you. I could have never imagined a year ago that we'd be here today. A year ago I had no idea I had a little boy squished into my belly kicking me and nuzzling my ribs. I am sorry I called you "she" and "her" for so long and I'm sorry I didn't know you were a boy all along :-( I do feel guilty that we missed that time as mommy and son and I feel guilty that you never really got the baby showers that were meant for you. But all that doesn't really matter. I could have never imagined a more perfect, adorable, sweet, funny, silly, amazing little baby. You give me a reason to wake up each day. You can calm me down and put life into perspective with one tiny smirk. I love how you play with my hair, how you scrunch up your nose when you try a new food, the way you think it's perfectly acceptable to kiss mommy with an open mouth, and how you have made us a family. You always seem to understand when I need a hug, or a laugh, and we have an unbreakable connection that no one would really understand. I love you so incredibly much and I am so excited to watch you grow, explore, and become the little man that you are going to be. I will be here to teach you, love you, dance with you, and be your biggest fan as you travel through life. I am so proud to call you my son and I love you more than I could ever put into words. You are my biggest joy. One year ago I could not have imagined the love I could feel for a child, I know that feeling now and it's the best feeling in the world. I love you London James.


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