Monday, July 2, 2012

20 Weeks: Halfway There!!

Yesterday I started my 21st week and now I am over the hump and a little over halfway there. This is both exciting and a bit unnerving. At this point with London's pregnancy, we had so much planned and prepared. We have done nothing so far to prepare for this little one, besides me working on my maternity leave funds. Luckily, we have almost everything we need for baby girl and the items we do need are little things like pacifiers, bottle nipples, etc. But, I am hoping to get a new breast pump and monitor too and those will be a bit pricey...yikes.. We have decided to give the new baby London's crib and give London a whole new room including a new bed and dresser. That may also get pricey and no shower this time :-( The baby has been so active and she is most rambunctious at night when I finally relax on the couch. Kary can feel her kicking like crazy and this is even sooner than he was able to feel London. It helps to make him feel more connected. I have been feeling pretty good despite the intense heat. I sometimes forget I'm pregnant but my ever-growing belly is starting to be a constant reminder. I have gained 9lbs so far and am really trying to keep things in check this time. I gained 40lbs with London and it took 6 months to get back to my original weight and I have never really gotten the squishy parts firm yet. Kary and I got a free treadmill from one of his clients a few weeks ago and this week I have really taken charge and am working out every day. I do a fast-paced walk with a 3 minute jog and then do some squats, and lots of arm exercises. It is a little over 20 min of working out a day and since I am not a seasoned exerciser, I am hoping it will make a difference. I know that a lot of woman get a lot more back fat and love handles when pregnant with may be an old wives tale but I am not taking any chances. I make sure to cocoa butter the 'ol belly every single night and I am hoping to be 2/2 pregnancies with zero stretch marks...fingers crossed! I have loved spending time with London this summer and we have been frequenting the pool which helps keep me cool and comfortable in this hot southern sun. I am getting excited to meet the baby but feel like we have so much to do! I am also starting a brand new job in a new school and new district so that is going to be both exciting and a little scary to be out of my comfort zone. However, at this school my stress level will be way down. Our plan is to have London's room done and start him sleeping in his big boy bed about mid August. That way we can get him acclimated before I go back to work. I am so grateful to have my summer off to plan and take care of myself and my baby...and of course get awesome quality time with my most favorite little guy.

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