I told my class the news and they were thrilled. They want to keep touching my belly and they refer to him/her as "skittles"...no idea why but it's kind of cute. One little girl asked me if it hurt when they put the baby in there...ahh! she thinks you got to the hospital and arrange to have the baby put in..haha...today another little girl asked me how Mr. Gaffney and I made the baby...I ignored her..haha. Then while reading about the ant life cycle we read the word "mate." They asked me what it meant and I said to reproduce and make baby ants. Then one boy got all excited and asked, "Hey, does that mean you and Mr. Kary flew into the air and mated to get that baby in your belly?!" I just laughed and said, "mooooving on." I'm sure the questions will keep coming but that's their parents job to educate them about that.
I am having trouble with my skin with lots of break-outs on my face..thank god for foundation. I am hoping that will go away soon as I move to the second trimester. I am looking forward to my 2nd trimester as I have heard it's the most comfortable you feel...considering ;-)
little baby bump...but it's there