Sunday, October 9, 2011

12 Month Check-up and a Trip to the Urologist

I've been battling poison ivy and have had the chance to spend a lot of time with London over the past week. The itching sucked but it was cool to be off work. I was super excited that I got to go to London's urologist appointment on Thursday afternoon. Everything looks good and he's ready to proceed with the second surgery. The doctor gave him a shot of testosterone to prepare him for the surgery. Poor little guy had to endure a minute long shot that was stuck into the muscle of his leg. But it was necessary and soon all this will be behind us and hopefully no more surgeries.

London also had his 1 year check-up on Friday, Oct. 7th. I left work early so I could be there. We were super eager to see how much he weighs, how tall he is, and find out all the foods he can eat now that he's on his way to toddlerhood. The appointment went great. I really like our doctor. She is so good with London and he loves her. He was so chatty and hyper while she was examining him. She answered lots of questions we had and reassured us that he can go ahead and be a perfectly healthy vegetarian. He weighed in at 23lbs and is 30 inches tall. He's now average in weight for his age but still taller than 1/3 of babes his age. But with 2 lanky parents, of course he's a tall boy.
We started feeding him real food now and he loves it. He eats waffles, fruit, cheese, broccoli, tortillas, black beans, goldfish, yogurt, etc. He is sleeping much better now too. We are barely using a bottle and are going to switch to soy milk as soon as we run out of formula.
London is growing fast and is learning new things every day. We were happy to hear the pediatrician say he is a bit advanced in language because he is saying quite a few words: dog, mama, dada, daddy, hi, car. Our goal is 50 words by 15 months! :-)

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