Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Smart Boy! (yes, I'm bragging)

London and I just returned from a week in Pennsylvania and had a great time. (I will post about that soon). He will be 22 months Aug. 5th and has gone through so many changes over the past few weeks. He is saying all kinds of things and I'm sure well over 200 words. He still pronounces stuff a little funny and I often have to translate some stuff for other people. But, he is getting so good at telling me what he wants and is working on saying please and thank you. He is also such a big helper. He throw away his wrappers after he eats a snack, washes and dries his hands, and likes to sweep and pick up toys. Today he walked down the stairs all by himself (holding onto the rail of course) and was so proud! He kept smiling and said, "I did by self." He is also very good at building intricate train tracks and buildings with his blocks. He loves to look through books and can name lots of objects and colors. He is also working on counting to 10. Right now he can count to 3 but needs help to keep going. London loves to be outside and we have been enjoying the pool. He is trying new foods and oddly prefers fruits and veggies over sweet snacks. I have been enjoying my summer so much with him! It is amazing to be with him all day and watch him learn and grow. I am going to miss him so much when I go back to work but after only 10 weeks, I'll be back him for 3 months on maternity leave :-) For now, I'm going to enjoy him and relax as I grow another little miracle.

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