Wednesday, August 1, 2012

25 Weeks

I am now 25 weeks through my pregnancy and with 15 weeks to go (or less...if she's early) we are finally starting to get some things in prepared. It is so funny how this time around is so different, mostly because we have a whole lot of what we need already. At this point with London, we already had the entire nursery set up (for a girl!...uuugh!..ha) and had clothes washed, lists made, seats put together, we were on it! The only thing we have accomplished to prepare for baby #2 is sort through some clothes, and clean out London's closet to prepare to make it her room. London will be moving into the spare room and will get a pirate-themed room and baby girl will use the crib and we will re-set-up all the cool stuff we had originally when we thought London was a girl. We sure hope they weren't wrong again! But, we would take it much better this time. I went to my OBGYN appointment last Thursday. I am measuring "perfect" but have gained 16lbs already...not too happy about that considering I gained a bunch at the end with my last pregnancy. I really do not want to gain any more than 30lbs. I have been slacking a bit with the exercising because I have been so tired lately but last night I did a great 2 miles on the treadmill and felt good until I stepped off and realized I really irritated my sciatic nerve and was in a TON of pain. Baby's heartbeat is 160 beats a minute and she is kicking and punching like crazy. She either loves or hates sweets because she goes NUTS when I eat them. She is most active at night when I finally sit down to relax and when I'm sleeping. I am hoping that means she is not too much of a night owl. She is growing so fast and can hear now so we make sure to talk to her a lot. She gets rowdy when London screams and I'm sure she will be joining him soon enough. I am starting to get really excited to meet her. There is still a lot to do but we'll get it done and she'll have what she needs when she joins our family in a few months...crazy how fast it's going!

1 comment:

  1. getting ready for baby number 2 is tough. pretty cool that you don't have to do much though since you already have the stuff to decorate with!
