Sunday, March 6, 2011

Look what I can do!

We can't believe it has almost been half of a year since little baby London came into our lives. He turned 5 months this Saturday and wow what a busy little guy he has been. He is reaching all his developmental milestones in clusters and developing so fast I think he even scares himself with all that he learns so quickly.
London has found his toes and loves to chew on them and hold them when he's on his back. He also discovered how to roll over and can sit unassisted for a brief moment before clumsily tipping over. He now loves rice cereal and opens wide and kicks and giggles while eating. We have been teaching him sign language and have started with "eat", "more", "I love you" and "mommy" and "daddy." We are hoping he might catch on and do some signing around 6 months.
Today while wrestling with London, Kary noticed he had a mark on his knuckle when London shoved daddy's finger in his mouth....sure enough, 2 tiny bottom teeth have sprouted! London is doing great with it and doesn't even seem bothered. It may be a whole new story when his molars cut through.
London had his doctor re-check and is fully recovered :-) No more ear infection and no more lung or nose congestion...yay! He was so adorable during his visit. He sat with his hands folded over his chubby belly while the doctor and nurses talked to me. They were once again awesome with him and Dr. Knutson gave him the ok to start baby food! It's a good thing because he has been trying to grab food out of my hand all week. He even tried to grab some lady in the doctor offices bag of trail mix. Kary and I can't wait to give him all kinds of fruit and veggies. We just hope he's not too picky. We plan to raise him vegetarian so no pureed beef for this baby. He also loves bathtime and has been going crazy splashing water. His other new love is his doggies. He gets mad when Brooklyn and Brixton don't acknowledge him and even gave Brooklyn's jowls a tug the other day. The dogs are so good and patient with him and Brooklyn is his protector. I have been feeling super guilty with the lack of attention they have been given but I know in the next few months they will be pumped to have a little guy chasing after them. Each day London surprises me with what he can do. It is truly amazing how fast humans learn and grow.

"gentle winds blowing and stars all above you. Night night little Pookie, I love you and love you. And love you and love you and love you and love you" (our bedtime story)

1 comment:

  1. it's amazing how quickly the doggies become just dogs after having a baby. everyone always says that will never happen, but it does. i love our dogs, but rachel will always top them.
