Wednesday, July 6, 2011

9 Months In, 9 Months Out!!

London turned 9 months on Tuesday and had his 9 month well visit. I was excited for this appointment because I was curious to see how much he weighs, his height and get the ok for him to try some "real" food. We met a little girl in the waiting room that was born the exact same day as London. The babies were touching hands and faces, it was adorable.
London weighs 21lbs and is 29 inches long. He is reaching all his milestones (even ahead on some) and passed the autism screening. He was given the ok to try tofu, lentils, black beans, and yogurt. He is also able to start stage 3 food and try some finger food snacks. Yesterdays' attempt to try stage 3 spaghetti was quite hilarious. Poor London was not a fan of the chunky texture and spent most of the meal gagging and dry heaving. I guess this is pretty normal, my niece did the same thing, but I am going to keep trying in hopes he might like it later. He tried some puffs and loves them. I think he just loves showing off his amazing pincher grab skills. He thinks he's cool when he can snack while I snack. We will be trying some other foods this weekend when daddy can be home to witness it too.
London moved into a bigger carseat this weekend and I think he's way more comfortable. It is sad though to move onto a new phase. He is growing so fast right before my eyes. Luckily, I get to see every minute being home with him. Our big goals for the summer are to work on continuing to pull up, work on clapping and waving and maybe saying "dada" and "mama". I have been reading, singing, and dancing with him so much and he's loving it. We also have crawling contests where we crawl towards each other and I tell him, "I'm gonna get ya!" He thinks it's quite hilarious. I think he's quite adorable. I couldn't ask for a better baby! Love him so much I want to eat his face off! Happy 9 Months my sweet London James :-)

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