Saturday, November 5, 2011

13 Months!!!

In the beginning, London grew physically at an astounding rate. We could not keep up with his clothing or food. It was crazy. Now that he is a year (and 1 month!) he can actually wear the same clothes for quite a few months before his legs and arms poke through. There are so many fantastic about this age: he can eat real food which means if we're out and he's hungry, he can have a snack cup of goldfish/ cheerios or we can all go out to eat and he can get something off the menu :-) no more bottle washing, no more expensive formula, and he's more mobile so I can ask him to come and he can walk himself.

London is changing so much intellectually, it's crazy. He now says "dogs" when we get home, "stop" when they play too rough, "done" after he's done eating, he says "baby" when we pass his baby pictures in the hall, he says "daddy" and points to Kary when we pass a picture frame with pictures of us in it, he says, "dell" referring to the computer, and also says, "cat", "guard", and "mama" (finally!). He also is obsessed with asking, "What's that?" about everything he sees. He is a little smarty pants and I will be sure to supply him knowledge whenever he asks, even if it is explaining what a bra is...haha.
He has an amazing appetite, is walking more than crawling, is sleeping through the night (mostly) and is so calm and laid back in public. We really are lucky, he's a great kid to have. His surgery is scheduled in 16 days and I am getting nervous. He is also going to have a cyst bubble removed from his mouth while he's under. I am mostly worried about him being scared and the horrible pain he'll be in afterwards. It is going to be rough but I will be so happy when it's all over. For now, I'm going to not think about it and go chase little man around the house.

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