Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Surgery Part 2: Complete!

London underwent the second part of his hypospadias repair surgery yesterday. He also had a lip mass removed while he was under. His ENT doctor didn't think it was anything to worry about but figured since he was going to be hospitalized and put under anyway, we might as well get that taken care of too.
We were up at 4am to make it to the hospital by 5:30. The procedure was scheduled for 7am and since we were coordinating with 2 doctors we didn't need to worry about our time getting pushed back, we got right in, which was great because we wanted it over with quickly and London was very hungry!
Even though we knew what to expect, we were still very anxious and nervous about the procedure. No parent wants their child to endure any kind of pain. We are sure there may be people that think it's wrong to make him undergo such pain for cosmetics. But, it is more than that, we feel the benefits of the surgery outweigh the pain and London will not remember this as he gets older.
The procedure lasted about 2 1/2 hours and I was bouncing my legs uncontrollably the entire time. I, of course, cried when they took him away and just wanted to grab him and run out of there! They did give him a little medicine to take the edge off but he was miserable prior to surgery anyways. He was tired, hungry, and totally freaked out by all the people poking and prodding him and he was completely tweaked out by all the male doctors standing around (he is totally freaked out by men~ even his uncles and grandpas) He had a death grip around my neck.
I was expecting the worst when I got called into the recovery room. I was expecting to see a very sick, screaming baby. To my surprise he was calmly being rocked by a nurse and looked up at me and grabbed onto me. I rocked him as he sucked down juice and even stopped for a second to ask in a very raspy voice, "was dat?" as he pointed to his IV. I was so happy to see he was ok and feeling a bit like himself already. We only had to wait in the recovery room for about 20 minutes and then we got moved to another area where Kary got to join us. We were able to get London dressed and were discharged shortly after that. We stopped and got London's prescription filled and headed home. He cried a lot in the car due to the discomfort but did better than we anticipated.
We were feeling pretty good about his recovery when we got home until about 2 hours later. London started to scream and thrash in pain. We laid him on the floor because holding him was too painful for him. We laid on the floor and held his hands and kissed him as he screamed and yelled what we can only imagine was a giant stream of baby-language profanities. Poor little guy.
The pain meds are working pretty good and high London is quite hilarious. He whispers to himself, seems fascinated by opening and closing his hands and drives his cars in slow motion along the wall. As long as he's pain-free I am a-ok with a high baby ;-)
Tomorrow I take him back to Dr. Perez to get the bandage removed. The catheter will have to stay in about 2 weeks. London currently wears 2 diapers, one to hold poop and one to hold the pee coming from the catheter. It is extremely painful for him to pee. Why, you ask? Well, just to elaborate a bit about what this condition is, and how it was repaired. London basically was born with his "rabbit still in the hat" as Kary puts it. His penis was encased in skin and not pulled out all the way. The pee hole was also not at the tip. So, procedure #1 pulled out his penis, and attempted to move the pee hole, that did not quite work so part 2 was an effort to accomplish this again, and success! Dr. Perez, rerouted his urethra so he can pee like a regular boy and circumsized him and completed the final construction. He has a very expensive penis :-) The new pee hole is a wound, hence why peeing hurts so bad.
And just as a side note, no, my son was never both sexes, hypospadias has nothing to do with a baby's sex. It is a birth defect that affects 1 in 200 boys, he was always a boy, he just needed a few procedures to get his peep to look the way it is supposed to. We have no problem talking about it and will tell him as he gets older. We have nothing to hide and he has nothing to be ashamed of. We look forward to his full recovery and moving on to the next phase in the amazing life of London James.


  1. in the photo of him sitting on the floor shirtless, he had just got done ripping up his hospital discharge papers in an angry rage and was attempting to sit without hurting himself...such a little cutie.

  2. well put!
