Monday, June 4, 2012


We have been so lucky that London has stayed healthy for so long. Not being in daycare, he is not as exposed to germs and I can't even remember the last time he had a cough or a sniffle. However, this weekend we started to notice he was sneezing a lot and his nose was running. We thought maybe it was allergies. We kept an eye on his Saturday and he seems irritated but ok. He was even dancing and playing and acting like his happy usual self. Saturday night he wasn't doing great but slept ok. But, last night was AWFUL! We kept him in bed with us because his breathing was so bad. He couldn't breath out his nose and made s hallow wheezing sound every time he inhaled. He tossed and turned all night and was burning up, so I was up every few hours giving tylenol and patting his back. He started to cough and it sounded like a was weird and freaky. So, I decided about 4am that I needed to call in sick (I am trying soooo hard not to use any sick days, but this was necessary!) I made him an appointment at 9:00am and sure enough, he has croup. He was prescribed a steroid and we are hoping it kicks in soon. He was not happy at the doctor's office and spent the whole time curled into my chest and his head on my shoulder. I got him home and gave him his meds and he took a nice long nap. We are hoping he feels better soon because his hypospadias surgery is in 11 days...yikes! I hate when he is sick, it's the worst :-(

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