Tuesday, January 29, 2013

First Day of Preschool

London had his first day of "young preschool" yesterday. It was his trial day but I wasn't worried. We have visited a few times and he loved it. He even asked me to go home and leave him there the last time we went to visit.
I dropped him off at about 8:45 and I didn't linger. I knew he would be fine. He walked in the door kind of slow and scoped out the classroom. His regular teacher was not there yet but the woman who makes the food was watching the kids. I explained London's vegetarian diet to her and she was very sweet.
London was overwhelmed and excited about all the toys. He is still working on sharing but did better after I left. While I was there he tried to rip a few toys out of other kid's hands and knocked over a little girl's puzzle with a firetruck twice. He liked her dramatic reaction.
It was weird going home without him there. It was so quiet with just me and Izzy. I called about 1pm (restrained from calling waaay before then) The teacher on the phone told me that London was having a great day and that he was participating in the lesson and singing and dancing to the "Wheels on the Bus" song.
I had a hair appointment with Kary that went over quite a bit. My original plan was to pick him up about 4pm...it ended up being 5:40pm...20 minutes before close...yikes.
When we got there we caught his teacher in the parking lot and she explained a bit about his day. She said he was fantastic. He didn't eat much so was hungry later and was asking for bread..haha. He took a great nap and had tons of fun outside. She said he was comforting all the kids that were crying to make them feel better. She did mention that he had a bad reaction to a puppet she showed them. She said he curled up in a ball and said her puppet was scary and he didn't like it. She had him move over to the special pillow area and hug his "baby bear" until he felt like coming back to the group. He has always had a fear of puppets. They freak him out, so we are going to work on that. It was just a simple one made from a paper bag...he's so funny.
When we got there he was the only kid left (I felt bad) and was with a woman who teaches in the toddler room. He was very quiet and playing with a toy cell phone. We went back to his room and we packed up his bag and he told us about some of the stuff he did. He was so excited and talking non-stop. He told us about his good nap, how he rode a bike with a helmet, how his teacher is so silly and dances really fast and sings. He was just beaming with excitement and pride.
London's first report sheet
standing outside his room that morning

checking out the toys

posing with his monkey cubby

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