London is now 3 and almost a half. He has become such an amazing little boy and so smart! I am very impressed with his vocabulary and the crazy stuff that's goes on in that brain. Lately he's been into doing magic tricks, playing hide n seek, playing I spy, riding his bike, playing mean guy/good guy, planting seeds, building contraptions, and adding and subtracting. He can write his name, draw people, and identify all letters of the alphabet. I know this sounds like a big brag session but I'm super proud of all we've done to work with him. A lot for it he's done on his own though. 😍
London is a very sensitive sweet boy and doesn't like mean characters on tv. He shares with Izzy for the most part but does have his moments where he gets jealous and wants to hurt her. He mostly sleeps in his bed now but sometimes communicates that he is lonely and too far away and we let him hang out in our end for a bit.
London is doing awesome in preschool and loves going which makes me so happy. His teachers say he never gets in trouble and is bright. His teacher did tell me that sometimes when she is reading a book aloud to the class he interrupts and asks a million questions about each page. I am happy he does that but feel her frustration...haha. We could not be prouder of him and although he's going through a crazy stage of "that's not fair!" and "I love rocks. I don't like rocks. I like batman, I don't like batman" we know he is just coming into his own. He has a confidence that is unbelievable. London is the best name, 3 is the best number and he ALWAYS wins everybgame no matter what..haha...we can't wait to see what's in store next for the amazing London James. ❤️
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