Wednesday, April 14, 2010

POP goes the BABY!

It seems as though overnight my belly has popped! Today was my "coming out" at work since apparently there is no hiding my baby bump. I am now 15 weeks and feeling good. I have been working out on wii active every day and rubbing the cocoa butter like crazy. My mom and I are in the process of planning my shower for this summer. It will most likely be on June 26th at my mom and dad's house in PA. Kary and I are working on our plan to get all the furniture out of the guest room and start to organize. With 5 months left it seems like a long time but I'm sure it will go fast.
The weather has been super hot here and my allergies are horrible. I started zyrtec yesterday and getting some relief. Kary has been working hard on the yard doing a major overhaul and we are hoping to get a patio set this weekend so we can enjoy the weather.
Brooklyn and Brixton don't seem to understand what is going on yet. When I say that a baby is going to come they run to the door and bark as if he/she is going to be delivered to the front door..ha
Baby is now about 4 inches long and is busy growing like crazy. It is such a strange feeling to have my belly grow right before my eyes. I cannot wait until I feel movement!

Here is a picture with my head included..ha

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