Monday, November 15, 2010

6 weeks baby!

Sweet baby London is now 6 weeks old. They flew by! It is crazy how much he has changed since he was born. He is really becoming a lot of fun. The first few weeks I just felt like all he did was eat and sleep. Now we have play time, read books and he is awake a lot more. My favorite is when he first wakes up. He is so happy and looks extra cute. He does this little dance on his changing table where he swings his arm and his eyes get really big. We have gotten a few accidental smiles but cannot wait until we get a real smile! Kary works on that every day. We've discovered London is ticklish.
London sleeps all by himself in his crib and is doing great. He makes tons of noises throughout the night but usually allows me to sleep between 4-6 hours at a time! I make sure not to run to him after every sound and he usually falls back asleep. He is eating like crazy! He now eats between 4-6 ounces every 2-3 hours! It is hard to keep up. He sometimes has total meltdowns if he is not fed instantly and scratches, head butts, and gnaws at whoever is holding him. He is starting to enjoy baths a lot more now. Kary is a pro at bathing him and I usually just stand by and cuddle him in a towel afterwards. His hydrocortisone cream has worked wonders on his skin and it's back to being silky soft and perfect. Sometimes I look at London and cannot believe we made something so perfect. Time to squeeze him!

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