London had his 4 month check-up on Thursday. He now weighs 16lbs 12 oz and is 27 in tall! He is still in about the 90th percentile for both. BIG BABY...so cute! He was being shy with the pediatrician and stingy with his smiles. She was impressed with his excellent head and neck control. He had to get 2 shots and cried hysterically again which made me super sad. The doctor did say that his head is quite flat and gave us some info on some cranial specialists to look into the D-band. We decided to wait it out for another month and then see if there is any improvement. Insurance does not cover any of it and he'd probably need 2 as his head grows and I really don't want him to wear that thing for most of his adorable baby stage. We'll see what happens. We are trying to massage it and stay hopeful that it will round itself out. We are thinking of switching doctors. She does not seem that knowledgeable and doesn't really say much. We are going to call some places this week and get him in somewhere else and get another opinion on his head.
London got the ok to try rice cereal. When we first tried he was cranky and not having it. But a little later he ate a bowl. I tried again last night and today and he is really not into it. He'd rather eat his bib and still prefers a bottle. We may try a few more times and see how he does. He is so cute in his bumbo while he eats and he gets it all over his face.
London said "mama" the other day. It was an accident but I like to think he is a genius :-)
Last week London was not feeling well. He was really stuffy and was throwing up and had diarrhea on Monday. I came home to him rosy-cheeked and really upset. He had cried that whole day. I took half a day the next day and we cuddled all afternoon. He seemed to be doing much better. On Wednesday he was still pretty upset and missing me so grandma gave him my bear to cuddle. He nuzzled up and made cooing sounds and passed right out. I came home to him cuddling "Snowey Joey"...super cute!
London is doing great and laughing and grabbing and sitting and playing. He is amazing!
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