Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sick Baby Blues :-(

London got his first "cold" this week and in one word the experience has been hell. It started Sunday night when we noticed he was coughing a bit when he slept. Then Monday night he was up all night and Kary and I maybe got 3 hours of sleep. He would wake up super stuffed up and scream. Finally around 5am we put him in our bed and I then had to get up for work. Kary took him to the babysitter Tuesday for a few hours and then I took him to the doctor that day after picking him up after work. We waited to see the doctor for 2 hours. He was so good in the waiting room and the poor little guy was coughing and snotting all over...but still happy. The doctor said it was not in his chest and just a cold. She said to try some vicks and some apple juice to clear up the mucus. I got some apple juice and he does not like it...which is super weird considering Kary and I are obsessed with it. We've been drinking it...haha
Tuesday night was better. He only woke up once. We ran his humidifier and used "little noses" like crazy and sucked out his boogers hourly.
When I came home Wednesday he was a wreck. His nose was red, he was coughing his head off and fighting to breath. My brother came into town but I kept him home because he was so sick. Wednesday night was absolutely horrible. I too was sick and London was up every half hour from 1am-6am...he had an appointment the next morning and I took a half day and thank god I did because I was a wreck by the morning. I hate seeing him sick and am hoping this goes away soon! It is so hard when you can't help your baby :-( I am sure it is just the beginning of what London will face...just was hoping he'd hold off on getting sick a few more months...

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