Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Little Boy!

London is quickly becoming less and less like a baby and more and more like a little boy. He is growing fast and changing every day. It seems as though he has learned more new words this week than he has in the past few months. He started to tell us when he makes a "yuck" (poop) or when he goes "pee pee". He knows the letters D, O, G, I and P. He knows some colors and knows most of his body parts. He is obsessed with "cackas" (crackers) and of course still way into "cars". His new favorite thing is to demand to be "up" and wants to sit on high things. He also loves to point and yell "up" when in stores with tall ceilings.
London has been running everywhere and hates to be held in public. This makes shopping trips very difficult and most end up in extreme tantrum and meltdowns in the middle of the store. People scatter when he lets out a high pitched scream and I go into "get out!" mode and find the nearest exit. In his defense, he is a really good kid in public for the most part, but if he's bored or tired, he'll let everyone know. I had to take him to the eye doctor and gyno this week. That was quite the experience. He was not horrible, but it sure made the whole visit much more difficult. He is busy and needs to know what everything is and how it works. His favorites were the stirrups and the eye exam chair...haha. Perhaps, he'll grow up to be an obstetrician or an optometrist...
London is communicating more and more with words and seems to really understand humor. He loves to make silly faces and play peek a boo behind pillows. He loves to throw down pillows on the floor, hide among them and crack up when I ask where he is. He also loves to grab our toes and yell, "tickle tickle!" When we scream or laugh he cracks up and is so proud of himself. His newest words are: up, papa, daddy work, where ___?, bebe (baby)...I think he's up to about 30 words that he uses regularly but if you have only met him a few times, you'd swear all he says is, "What's that?!"...definitely his most favorite catch phrase.
London has had horrible constipation issues and we are seeking help tomorrow at his 18 month appointment. He struggles to poop every day, his appetite is crap because of it and every push is straining and painful for him. We are hoping he can get some relief soon and just poop regularly for once!
This week I am on spring break and we have been enjoying playing and being together. The weather has been amazing. We are taking him to the zoo Friday and we're super excited about that! I can't wait to see his face when he's face to face with the gorillas.

Here are a bunch of photos taken over the past few weeks.
Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday to Daddy, Brixton, and Grandma!

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