Monday, May 28, 2012

Dr. Updates

Life has been super busy lately. 2 weeks ago I went to my prenatal appointment. It was a typical check-up and all looks good. I gained 2lbs so far. The baby's heart rate was 167 beats a minute. The nurse said she predicts a girl...not sure what made her say that. Of course, having a girl would be cool since we have so many girl items that have never been used. Kary is convinced it's a girl...I feel it can go either way. We came up with a cool name for each and I really will be happy either way. I had to do my "workup" which consists of the nurse asking me a million questions about our family health history. They brought up the twin thing again on Kary's side of the family...yikes! That would be nuts! I am hoping there is only one in there. I have felt so much better this second trimester. I have had shortness of breath but have yet to have another svt episode this trimester. I don't feel like puking all the time but I'm also not starving and overeating either..which is nice. I have to eat often but not a lot. I am hoping to gain way less than the 40lbs I gained with London. We go back June 22nd to get the anatomy sonogram and find out the sex! We're excited but not sure if we'll believe it...last time was wrong...that can't happen twice, CAN IT??!! London had an appointment with his urologist last week to make sure all is ready for his 3rd (and hopefully FINAL!!) hypospadias repair surgery. It is scheduled for June 15th and I am dreading it soo bad. It is the hardest thing to have him taken away, go through the trauma and then be in so much pain with little we can do to help. The nurse gave him another testosterone shot to make sure he has enough skin for the repair. It is insane how much that shot made him grow and RAGE! We were at the pool and I took off his diaper and was kinda embarrassed that my son had the penis of an adult man...hahaha....size will DEF not be an issue for my London...the issue now is making sure the pee comes out from the right spot so we can start potty-training. He already asks to go "pee pee on the potty." We are going to wait until he's all fixed up before we mess around with that. I booked a flight home to PA for July and London and I are going for a whole week and Kary is joining us that weekend and we're driving back together. I am so excited to be with my family and get the opportunity to have London around his cousins and aunts and uncles and nana and papa for a good solid week. He is now at the age where he is remembering people and forming strong bonds. It is adorable to hear him in his room playing and talking about all the people he loves...sometimes his list is, "I love mama, daddy, nana, papa, Risa"...and then turns to, "I love cars, dogs, poop" idea where that came from. He cracks us up every day. I am hoping to be able to blog every week this summer. I don't want to short change this new baby. This pregnancy is flying by and we haven't put much thought into it, I guess the novelty wears off with the second....I think once we get to see him/her on the sonogram we'll start to really get excited...for now, London gets all the attention and demands. Really...he runs this place!


  1. i don't know if the novelty wears off, i think it's just that you are so busy with the first child and your life that being pregnant isn't the most important thing on your mind. are you going to stick with city names? paris, savannah, detroit? lol! ;)

  2. We were thinking more like Orlando, Detroit, or Cleveland...ha...kidding, no cities this time.
