Friday, September 7, 2012

little worries....BIG relief!

I had my 30 week appointment last Friday. It was my first every 2 week appointment and I figured it would be another boring appointment. I met the new doctor, found out my sugar test went fine and saw I gained about 23lbs so far. When the doctor measured my belly she hesitated and then measured again and then again. Then she said that I was measuring "small." I have never had any issues at the obgyn before so I was a little nervous. She said that it could mean she's just little or that her fluid is low. I told her how London was 8lbs 7oz at birth so she ordered a sonogram just to make sure everything was ok. We had to wait a week and I was starting to get worried because I am a lot smaller than I was with London at this point. People at work are always telling me how small I am and saying things like, "Where's the baby?!" This started to make it worse. I had to take a half day to go to my appointment because it was such short notice and they had no openings. Kary and London came with me. London was so good and sat there admiring his little sister the whole time. His eyes got huge when he heard her heartbeat and he got excited when he saw her nose and mouth on the 3D sonogram. She looks a lot like him! The sonogram tech was amazing and assured us within minutes that her measurements are "beautiful." She is considered a little small (45th percentile) but not out of the norm. I actually have a good amount of fluid and almost in the high range but still normal. She is 3lbs and 11oz so far and apparently has a bunch of fuzzy hair. We are excited about that because London was such a baldy ;-) Kary and I were bald babies too..ha. We are so relieved that everything is ok with her! She is so cute and looks a lot like London. We finalized her name but waiting to tell until she's born. I have been feeling great just very busy with work and working loooong hours. I am trying to get plenty of rest and keep my stress level down. The baby kicks like crazy, especially after I eat anything sweet. We can't wait to meet her and see how London does being a big brother. I feel so lucky to have such a beautiful, amazing family. :-)

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