Saturday, August 14th was a special day in honor of me and baby girl. Since I really don't have many girlfriends around here I opted to have a spa day with Lynn rather than a shower. She made sure to make the day super special and I loved it. I unfortunately woke up not feeling great and while in a rush I developed an SVT episode. My heart was at about 120. I rested for a while hoping I would not have to cancel. Luckily, as Lynn was on her way to pick me up I started to feel better. We were in a bit of a rush to the massage place but we made it. "Mary" took me in right away for my prenatal massage. I have never had a profession massage and was both excited and kinda creeped out. There is something very awkward about a large woman rubbing you down with oil. She also smelled slightly like fried chicken. She had me lie on my side and did all kinds of techniques to trigger the annoying aches and pains associated with pregnancy. It did not hurt at all. It felt great but was weird at the same time. I have never felt the baby kick as much and as hard as she was while I was being massaged. It was kind of funny. Lynn had a man massage her and we laughed about his "technique" on the way to the restaurant. Lynn suggested mediterranean food: Kabob Grill, which I never really had. We got veggie platters. Mine looked sort of like this. It was good. :-)

I then opened presents and ate a delicious girly cupcake Lynn got from a very delicious bakery. The cupcakes were awesome (I ate 2) They had strawberry frosting, yellow cake and a cute little purple sugar onesie stuck in the top. She got me awesome stuff: car seat mirror formula pitcher, washcloths, growth chart (goes perfect with our theme), a bumbo, baby shampoo and body wash, and a vibrating teether. She was very generous as always!! I was so grateful that she planned all this for me. We have been best friends for about 14 years and I would not want to celebrate with any other girl :-) I am pissed we didn't get any pictures of us together. We really need to take more. I am now very relaxed...thanks to my BFF!

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