9 weeks seems like a long time but compared to the 31 I've already gone through~ it doesn't sound like much. We're down to single digit weeks and I have been keeping track on the chalkboard chef in our kitchen. We are getting really excited and things are really starting to come together. Her bedroom is almost completely done. We just need to get the glider rocker and wash her clothes. Kary's parents got us a changing table and we decided we don't need a dresser at this time. We have all her clothes hung up and can get a dresser as she gets older. Kary's dad picked out (and bought) awesome baskets that look really nice on the changing table shelves. Kary and I organized all her receiving blankets, burp cloths, socks, washcloths, and towels and put them in the baskets. Kary also practiced swaddling the baby like a burrito. He actually had to show me..haha. It is such a relief to be so on top of things. There are only a few more items we "need" and Kary's family has been purchasing some things for our "shower." Basically they live all over so they are just sending us stuff...sweet! No real shower.
As far as my health goes, I have been feeling pretty good. I have been able to do my wii active almost every day. I work on my arms, butt, and thighs mostly. I do lots of squats and lunges. I can't help the growing of these parts but I can take charge of the firmness. I now have the weird brown line from my belly button to my waist. Not sure what the purpose is, but apparently most preggos get it. The baby has been nuts lately. There was about a 5 day stretch where she was kicking uncontrollably all hours of the day and night. It was exciting and funny but also painful. She has been pretty chill today. Probably because I have been running around and cleaning. My back has been killing me! lower and upper! Luckily I have a husband that is quite talented with massages and even has some awesome oil from the salon he works at.
The dogs have been really interested in the baby room. Brooklyn loves to go in there and lay next to her crib. (the picture at the top) I think he will be a very protective, sweet big brother ;-) Brixton is afraid of everything. She will most likely be terrified and hide in the corner for a few weeks after baby arrives.
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