Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Crawling Backwards...Sleeping Through the Night...Teething....Oh My!

Those are just a few of the crazy fast changes London deals with on a daily basis. It is insane how a tiny person can all of a sudden learn something in just one day. Unfortunately, I think the babysitter was the first one to witness the backwards crawl but I got to see it yesterday evening and I was one happy mama! I know I am going to regret this excitement when he is climbing under tables, toward stairs, and trying to eat plants, dog toys, or anything else he can get his tiny little hands on. But for now I am super excited for this great milestone! London has been pretty ahead when it comes to fine motor skills but crawling development has been slow. I try not to compare London to other babies but it's hard not to and of course I want him to be able to keep up with the competition...haha. It is pretty funny that he is only going in reverse now but I am just happy he's moving and no longer crying when placed on his belly. I'm sure it is only a matter of time before he figures out how to tackle the toy in front of him.
We lowered London's crib a few weeks ago and I forgot to blog about it. I think it actually has helped with his sleeping. We are not experiencing many nights with crying fits and London has actually been sleeping up to 12 hours a night! There have only been about 2 days this week where he woke up in the middle of the night...yay London! yay mommy and daddy! He has been great about his bedtime routine and will play a few minutes before going to sleep like a big boy...I am so proud!
London has been teething for what seems like months! The poor baby grunts and moans and clenches his jaw. Kary and I were getting concerned about his speech because he seems to always have his mouth clenched down and makes little sounds with his mouth open. Most people (including my speech therapist sister) have assured us that it is normal and he will be babbling once the tooth pushes through. He does babble sometimes and was actually talking more a few months ago than he is now. I just wish that tooth would come through already!!! The whining and crankiness added to a long day with 20 second graders leads to one crank-ass mommy! Speaking of crank-"ass" I have noticed that I have a horrible mouth. I have been able to behave at work and have never slipped up in front of my students (knock on wood) but I have realized that my mouth is horrible around London. I refuse to be that trashy mom who swears at her kid. I also don't want London to be that kid in class that calls people cuss words. So, Kary and I have been working really hard to turn on our mommy and daddy sensors before London starts to pick up on our rubbish. We turned it into a competition so, of course, that got me interested. So far, I am winning!
I only have 10 more days of school before I get to be reunited with my sweet London 24/7! I am soooo excited!!!

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