Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fantasy Vs. Reality: The Mommy Truth

There are many things you do to prepare for your first child. You make sure the nursery is immaculate, you have all the "must-have" items from the babies 'R' us pamphlet, you prepare for the pain of labor, you save up money, buy cute little outfits and hang them perfectly in the closet, you try to prepare your furry 4-legged babies to deal with a baby and claim that your relationship with your dog won't change, you imagine being home on maternity leave and spending late nights cuddled up with your baby feeding him and everything is just bliss.............or so you think....
the reality is....your dog will become a dog after the baby is born, no matter how much you spoil him, the baby will completely take over and the dog will be back to just being a "dog." I tried to fight this but it happens :-(
You end up not using half the baby supplies you thought you'd need and the nursery ends up being trashed 90% of the time. Your baby grows so fast it turns into a race to get him to wear all the adorable outfits in his closet before his little legs poke out the bottom and his sleeves get too short.
Those late night feedings turn into crying fits (for you) where you want to murder your husband and leave your whole family (haha) Your body becomes a disaster zone and every muscle turns to mush. If you love junk food and dislike working out (like me) prepare to have back fat, squishy boobs, a pouch, and jiggle like jello when you wave to your baby (haha) You will also go through some kind of depression whether it last an hour, a few days, or months. I was lucky mine only lasted 2 days. Mommy guilt also takes over and that is the worst. You feel bad when you're away from your baby, exhausted when you're with your baby and want a combination of cuddling their face off and your own personal space/ time.

But did I mention that it is all INCREDIBLY WORTH IT?!!!! I would do it all over again a million times. But the truth is many moms do not want to admit the reality involved in becoming a first-time mom. The fantasy is so much different than the reality. I remember watching my sister with my niece and nephew and wondering why she got so stressed when they didn't nap, why she got pissed when we'd drag them out of their bed when they were crying, and how she just couldn't relax. Of course, it's one thing to kiss and cuddle a baby that is not yours but your own baby is your complete responsibility and when they are stressed and upset, it consumes you...because really you and your baby are one in the same. When he's upset, you can't be happy and when he's happy, it's like there is a spotlight of glee shining down and you can't wipe the perma~smile off your face.
When I look back at my journey over the past 17 months I want to laugh, cry, scream, and feel empowered that I have made it through. I feel like I have some kind of mommy survival badge of honor...I did it...I made it through pregnancy, a birth, and the newborn hell phase...and London is just fine! haha... I feel like I am now part of a secret mommy club where only they can understand what it takes, what we've been through and others could never understand. When I see new mommy-to-bes and I hear them talk about names, nursery items, maternity leave...I smile and think to myself, "she doesn't have a clue..." it's not an arrogant thing and as a pregnant woman I was so annoyed when people who tell me that exact statement (I don't have a clue) I kept thinking,.."that's her, I am different, that won't happen." But, here I am and guess what? I don't have a clue... and I will continue to be clueless for each stage of my amazing little mini mes life. But, we are on this journey together and we will get through it. London has taught me how to be selfless, how to see the world all over again through brand new eyes, how to stop and feel the grass between my toes, how a simple smile can make someone's day, and for that I will embrace the squishy boobs, the bags under my eyes, the belly pouch, and the extreme lack of personal free time....they are the first gifts from my sweet baby son, my biggest joy in life: London James ♥

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