Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sleep is for...everyone BUT London

London is recovering well from his surgery and on the brink of turning 7 months...so crazy how time flies! He has been quite an emotional wreck lately. He can be the happiest little baby on the planet and a second later he will have a meltdown. The worst part has been bedtime. London is not a fan of sleep. I think if he could have his way, he'd stay awake all day and night. His little body can't handle the lack of sleep and he fights every nap and bedtime. We have tried to be strong when he cries at bedtime and stick to keeping him in his bed and going in every few minutes to reassure him that we're close by and he is safe. This works sometimes, other times he is inconsolable and this is when I have the hardest time. I never want London to have any discomfort and when I can't figure out what he wants and can't calm him down I feel horrible and anxious. I used to get severe anxiety when he'd flip out as a newborn and someone else would try to calm him down...I'm crazy, but most people who read this already know that.

London loves books (Wag, Monster Counting Book, My Monster Mama Loves Me, Night Night Little Pookie, The Going to Bed Book, Ferdinand), backyardigans, yo gabba gabba, his new tamborine (from grandma), the tv remote, any phone, cords (tries to get them), sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables, squash, oatmeal, his toes, anything that makes a crinkling sound. His favorite is when daddy reads "Wag" with a British accent. He squeals and laughs hysterically the whole time.

London is reaching all his developmental milestones but I am getting a little worried about crawling. He is pretty lazy when it comes to lifting himself on his belly. But, I think he is figuring out that he needs to be able to crawl to get what he wants. I have been putting his favorite toys just out of reach and cheer him on to get to them. So far no real crawling movement but today he got very close. I was jumping up and down and I could tell he really wanted to do it but his chubby little legs just couldn't quite do it.

London spent his first Easter at his Gaffney grandparents' house and got an awesome Easter basket. I didn't get a picture (crazy right?!) but I think his grandma got one. He got baby food, a sock monkey/bunny, an awesome shovel, bucket beach set, and all kinds of other cute things. Kary's brother got London a few Beatles bibs, a raspberry binky teether, and a v-tech steering wheel toy...he loves it! London's nana and papa sent him a target giftcard from PA and Kary and I picked out an awesome rolling ball that lights up and sings and encourages crawling (which he needs!) London enjoyed Easter hanging mostly outside in his diaper. His grandpa put together a swing for him and he was very thrilled to swing but got a little nervous after a while.

Kary and I went out for only the second time since London was born. We didn't really have plans but since my birthday was earlier that week we decided to take my friend Lynn up on her offer to babysit. We ended up going to "Big Daddy's Burger Bar"...yeah I know sounds weird for vegetarians but they have the BEST bean burgers and you can build your own. Believe it or not I got the southern style bean burger...haha. Kary looooooooved his and we plan on going back again for sure, maybe bring London this time too :-) We had a few drinks at dinner and it was so awesome to be just us, we talked, laughed and got to actually focus on each other and not worry about feedings, diapers, crying, bedtime, etc. Of course we are madly in love with London, but we definately need some time alone. We went to a coffee shop afterward and just sat and enjoyed our coffee like old people...haha. It felt fantastic. We had planned to go out to the bar with our friend Brandon but by the time he goes out (11pm) we are spent, so we headed home. London was in great hands with my best friend Lynn and her son Dexter. They watched tv in their pajamas and she sent me an adorable picture of them. London did great there except for being his crazy little self and staying up until 10pm. Luckily, he was easily transferred to bed when we got home and no meltdown.

We are heading to Pittsburgh in 2 days to attend my friend Staci's wedding. I am a bridesmaid and we are staying with my sister, brother-in-law and my niece and nephew. My parents and sister are also coming...I am sooo excited! We are leaving Thursday and coming back Sunday. It will be a pretty crappy first Mother's Day being in the car all day but at least I'll be with my husband and baby. Hopefully London will stay entertained for the 14 total hours of driving this weekend...wish us luck!

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