Sunday, October 21, 2012

London's First Haircut

sitting like such a big boy!

I finally agreed to let Kary give London his first haircut. He was born such a baldy and it took so long for him to get hair it was hard to see some of it go. The whispy white mullet was adorable but it was getting a bit out of control. We were originally planning to take him to Kary's salon and have an official haircut in the big chair. But we figure since we have the luxury of having a barber right in the house we might as well just do it at home. We gave London a lollipop to keep him occupied and explained that he was going to get his hair cut. He wasn't scared at all and sat so still and perfect. I kept what was cut off and put it in an envelope for his baby book. He looks so grown up!!!

styling aftwerwards
all done!!

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