Today I went to my 37 week appointment. Kary had to work and it was the first time he's missed an appointment since my first one. :-( He was pretty bummed but it was a quick appointment. I got in super quick...blood pressure was good, protein and sugar levels were good, gained 2 more pounds....(I give up!..haha)and baby is measuring perfect for 37 weeks. Her heart rate has dropped down to 127, which is normal. I met a new doctor. She wasn't very friendly. She came in, did her job and left...didn't even ask if I had any I blurted out a few before she ran out...haha.
*disclaimer* dad, you might want to skip over some of this next part..ha
I was tested for a common bacteria and then the doctor checked to see if I was dilated at all...nope...she said I was locked shut...haha. But I am 50% effaced. I also have not "dropped" yet. So, hopefully that means she will hold off for the next 3 weeks or so.
After my appointment I had to stop at the grocery store to get a chocolate donut. I have never been a huge fan of chocolate donuts but after seeing Carrie eat one on "King of Queens" last night I could not stop thinking about it. So, I stopped and bought two. So delicious! I decided I am not going to beat myself up about cravings and not stress about my weight gain. I eat low fat oatmeal for breakfast, vegan meals for lunch and usually something pretty healthy for dinner so a donut can't hurt.
In body news, my legs have been in SO much pain! All night I toss and turn and they throb. I sleep with a pillow between them but it barely helps. If I sit down for more than 15 minutes and then try to get up I limp like an old lady...luckily, I haven't had any more swelling but leg cramps really suuuuck!
I can't believe my baby girl will be here in less than 3 weeks!!! I can't wait to kiss her, cuddle her, and love her to pieces! ♥
Kary and I holding hands over my giant belly ♥
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