We are all awaiting our baby girl in anticipation, even Brooklyn and Brixton. They are ready to meet their sister! Two more days until her expected arrival and still no baby. We were hoping to make her arrive this weekend. On Friday I decided to take the day off. Thursday when I came home from work I was overheated from sitting in a meeting with no AC, Brixton had pooped on the floor for the second day in a row, and then I sliced my foot open on a brick in the backyard. I had had it! Plus, I was supposed to attend an Open House event that night. So, I decided it was best to just throw in the towel and take the day to relax. Plus I lost my mucus plug the day before and am 2cms dilated so I wanted to play it safe. I made sure to hug my kids before leaving them Thursday and I also got a smiley wave from them when I saw them later outside during a firedrill. I also left them each a card with a little poem printed on it: *I got it from a website
While I am gone…
*Keep searching for answers
…but never stop asking questions.
*Keep your good common sense
…but don't forget to use it.
*Keep doing your work
…but remember the difference between "done" and "well done".
*Keep your feet on the floor
…but let your love for learning soar.
*Keep turning in your library books on time
…but never stop checking them out.
*Keep your nose clean…
…but soil your hands with hard work.
*Keep yourself in your own space
…but let your thoughts mingle with those of others.
*Keep your sense of humor
…but share it when it will make someone else feel better.
*Keep your area clean
…but clutter your mind with knowledge.
*Keep quiet in the halls
…but speak loudly and proudly when presenting your ideas.
I will be thinking of you and missing you….see you in January
Love, Ms. Chesley-Gaffney
Back to baby news...Kary and I are very well prepared. We have our bags packed, our final checklists on the counter, dog's food and meds packed up and we make sure to keep the house spotless at every moment.
Thursday night was an odd night and we were hoping it meant she was coming...but nope. Oddly, the power went out in our entire neighborhood and about 3 miles down the street. Annoyingly, I had hauled my ass to the store by foot only to see it was closed due to the power outage. So we drove a bit further to a creepy food lion and then ate some subway...with lots of jalapenos...Then we saw a giant rainbow in the sky. Luckily, the power was back on by the time we got home.
Yesterday we had a fantastic day! The weather was gorgeous! We got up at 7:30am, had some bojangles breakfast and did a little shopping. We got awesome halloween stuff at the dollar store, we got Brooklyn a new toy and halloween bandanas for the dogs at walmart, we even bought the travel version of "madgab" to play in the hospital to try to distract me with word riddles. Kary hung the decorations, we went for a bunch of long walks, I ate a ton of wasabi all in attempts to get this labor started...but no luck. Today we are going to babies 'r' us to look for a baby blind to block the sun from Lou. I love to plan out my day and not knowing when she'll arrive is driving me crazy! So, perhaps today's plan may involve me experiencing an intense amount of pain and giving birth to my tiny little puffy wrinkled, red-faced baby girl....you never know...but I sure hope so!
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